GOOD DAY FARM proudly announces a partnership with 40 Tons.
A social impact brand dedicated to bringing more diversity and inclusion of BIPOC communities into the legal cannabis space and providing second chances to those with past cannabis convictions.
40 Tons is a Black, woman-owned cannabis, clothing, and accessory brand from Los Angeles, California. 40 Tons was launched in 2020 as an homage to Corvain Cooper and the other 40,000+ prisoners currently imprisoned for unjust cannabis sentences. They fight for restorative justice, reduced sentencing, cannabis legalization, and rehabilitation to uplift former prisoners as they rejoin society and build full, happy lives. Each of our GOOD DAY FARM “dispensary near me” location has previously shown support by funding cannabis education scholarships given away at a 40 Tons event centered around inclusivity in the legal cannabis industry.
We are so proud to continue our support with the release of the GDF x 40 Tons vape collection. Each purchase from the GDF x 40 Tons vape collection helps break the chains of injustice by supporting non-violent cannabis prisoners on their journey to freedom and a full, equitable life once they return home to their loved ones.
We are blessed to be a part of this amazing legal cannabis community and industry—always remembering and fighting for those suffering the consequences of unjust incarceration.